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ATW Links for the week of July 13-19, 2014


Looking for something to read? Wondering what the latest art news is? The ATW team is always searching for interesting art events, important art news and fun art stuff online. Here are a few of our favorite links we found this week:

KC – Mehdi Ghadyanloo, and his mural-painting company Blue Sky Painters, has turned Tehran into an outstanding open-air gallery loaded with optical illusions and 3D painting. Ghadyanloo is fully backed up by the city’s municipality, who also want to promote mural art in Tehran. Click here to read more.


Linda – Art history nerds will be drooling over the Dallas museum schedule this fall. I am particularly excited for Faces of Impressionism at the Kimbell and Bouquets: French Still-Life Painting from Chardin to Matisse at the DMA.

Logan – This blog posting is on Tristan Perich’s exhibition,”Machine Drawings” currently on view at the Georgia Museum of Art. Tristan is a contemporary artist and composer, and has built a machine that is creating 60 ft. wall-drawings on three of the walls in the museum over the next 6 month. The machines “use randomness and order” to make these large-scale art-pieces. It formulates an interesting dialogue between technology, art, and the role of the artist. There is a history of artists becoming more and more removed from the physical creation of their works. Similarly, Perich has removed himself completely from the physical creation of the end-drawings, but has taken it a step further by also removing himself from any conscious, or subconscious input in the final composition. It’s an interesting conversation because while he has nearly removed himself entirely from the end product, he was very much involved with the physical creation of the machines and the idea of their purpose so therefore you could argue just the opposite. What do you think?

Richard – Love him, hate him. I don’t know, but I want to see this. Jeff Koons: A Retrospective

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